Post by Author : nisha-arya

Lean Six Sigma Combined with Blockchain for Improved Efficiency

In the continuously changing and progressing world of business and industries, Lean Six Sigma has become the gold standard for successfully assessing and fixing processes via project management. Lean Six Sigma is considered a best practice because it uses established and proven tools integral to its efficient methodologies. Lean Six Sigma is a fact-based, data-driven concept focusing on defect prevention

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Kanban: A Project Management Approach to Software Development

Kanban is a popular agile project management framework. Kanban methodology shares a few similarities with Scrum, primarily in terms of its focus on early release through collaborative and self-management teams. The origin of the Kanban concept goes back to the production line of Toyota factories during the 1940s. Kanban methodology is highly visual. This visualization helps develop optimal results by

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Three Types of Machine Learning

Machine learning is the heart of AI. Similar to any species, AI needs continuous learning. So, let’s see how we make AI learn and what types of machine learning are there. In this article, we will understand the three different types of Machine Learning; however, we must first understand Artificial Intelligence.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer

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A Guide to Q-Learning

Q-learning stands out in machine learning as a pivotal technique that helps algorithms make optimal decisions by learning from their experiences. Introduction Imagine training a robot to navigate a maze. Now, think of teaching a computer to master chess. This is the realm where Q-learning becomes crucial. Q-learning doesn’t give machines specific instructions on decision-making. Rather, it lets them learn

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Guide to Cross-validation in Machine Learning

Cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning to assess how well a model will generalize to an independent data set. What is Cross-Validation? Imagine you’re a teacher preparing a test for your students. You want to ensure that the test accurately reflects how well your students understand the material and not just how well they memorized specific questions you

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A Guide to Deep Learning and How It Works

Deep learning is attracting rapidly growing research and development in today’s world, where artificial intelligence is exponentially growing with newer breakthroughs by the day. What is Deep Learning? Deep Learning is one of the methodologies that is receiving a lot of attention. Deep Learning (DL) is a subset of Machine Learning that teaches computers to do what humans naturally do.

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The Waterfall Methodology for Software Development Project Management

Before Agile, the traditional Waterfall Methodology was once known as the gold standard for software development. The method was initially defined in 1970 by Winston W. Royce. Requirement-Gathering Phase The Waterfall method starts with the Requirements-gathering phase, where a lot of communication occurs upfront to ensure defining the requirements. For example, the Project Manager will get a detailed understanding of

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Adversaries in Machine Learning

Adversaries in Machine Learning? When we talk about new technological developments, sometimes we forget that there is another side for whom it’s an opportunity to find new ways to scam. We are using Machine Learning (ML) models more and more each day. They have become a part of our lives without even realizing it most of the time. It is

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Scrum: Success, Blockers, and Pathway

The five values that Scrum comprises are courage, commitment, openness, focus, and respect. In addition, this methodology promotes the development, delivery, and ability to sustain complex products via continuous collaboration, accountability, and iterative progress. Any project requiring a flexible approach to deliver service or a product will benefit from Scrum methodology. What is Scrum? Scrum is a dynamic project management

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DevOps: Key factors for a Successful Implementation

DevOps is a software development methodology that brings together teams for software development and operatives in information technology together. Hence, the name DevOps combines software development (Dev) and operations (Ops). This concept creates a culture that fosters continuous collaboration between these teams that conventionally walk in their separate silos. They collaborate from the phase of the initial design until the

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