Working in Japan

Mastering Japan’s Year-end Tax Adjustment [2023]

The concept of year-end tax adjustments is the same across the world; however, the processes may vary. As a foreigner working in Japan, it’s crucial to understand the Japanese tax rules, including the year-end tax adjustment (Nenmatsu Chosei). What is Nenmatsu Chosei? Nenmatsu Chosei (年末調整 or ねんまつちょうせい) is the annual tax adjustment process in Japan. This tax adjustment for the

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Choosing Japan: The Benefits for Foreign Software Engineers

Is Japan a country I should move to as an Information Technology professional? Is it a good destination for software developers? If you had asked these questions 20 years back, the answer was a simple “No.” In those days and earlier, Japan’s reputation was only in manufacturing and hardware domains. Therefore, it was natural that people working in those areas

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Japanese Work Culture: How to Succeed Working in Japan

Japanese work culture has always been a much-discussed topic among foreigners. Some deeply criticize it, and some admire it. However, the discussions about it show that people are curious about it and have an interest in knowing about it. Therefore, this interesting topic requires discussing the real facts and pros & cons, and this article is about that. This article

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A Guide to Starting a Business in Japan

Japan is a great place to start a business for foreigners because of the size of the economy, business stability, the void created by the aging population, and governmental support and reforms to encourage new businesses. In this guide, we will discuss all the nitty-gritty of establishing your company to do business in Japan as a foreigner. However, before we

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Japanese Business Etiquette and Manners

If you are new to Japan, the first thing you may say is that etiquette is etiquette. What’s so special about Japanese business etiquette, and why should I care? Well, you are not much off the mark. In today’s global village, there is a lot of cultural mix, especially how we conduct business. However, some things stay unique in different

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