Tech Corner

Agile Methodology for Project Management

Agile methodology is one of the most popular and recognizable project management methodologies. This article will discuss what Agile Methodology is and what the benefits are in implementing projects with its iterative and incremental project execution concepts. What is Agile Project Management? Agile methodology is an iterative approach to project management and software development that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer

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NumPy for Data Science Beginners in Python

NumPy library on Python is an essential tool for data scientists to work on numerical data, especially when they deal with data arrays, especially multi-dimensional, and need a memory-efficient fast indexing of arrays, However, knowing about other useful packages when solving data science problems is essential. So, let’s see which packages are available in Python programming language and are used

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Solidity Programming for Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts

It is no news that Blockchain and Web3 are the raves of the moment. Given this, developers in different fields are migrating into the blockchain ecosystem in their numbers. Ethereum, being the most popular Blockchain and also the first to allow the development of software or programs on the Blockchain known as “Smart Contracts,” requires development in a contract-purpose programming

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A Guide to Q-Learning

Q-learning stands out in machine learning as a pivotal technique that helps algorithms make optimal decisions by learning from their experiences. Introduction Imagine training a robot to navigate a maze. Now, think of teaching a computer to master chess. This is the realm where Q-learning becomes crucial. Q-learning doesn’t give machines specific instructions on decision-making. Rather, it lets them learn

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Serverless Computing with Go on AWS Lambda

Introduction Serverless computing is a fairly new way of building and managing software applications in the cloud-native world. This article will teach you what going Serverless means and how to set up, build, and deploy a serverless application with the Go programming language on AWS Lambda. You will learn why Serverless technology is easy and advisable to adopt, especially for

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Guide to Cross-validation in Machine Learning

Cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning to assess how well a model will generalize to an independent data set. What is Cross-Validation? Imagine you’re a teacher preparing a test for your students. You want to ensure that the test accurately reflects how well your students understand the material and not just how well they memorized specific questions you

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A Guide to Deep Learning and How It Works

Deep learning is attracting rapidly growing research and development in today’s world, where artificial intelligence is exponentially growing with newer breakthroughs by the day. What is Deep Learning? Deep Learning is one of the methodologies that is receiving a lot of attention. Deep Learning (DL) is a subset of Machine Learning that teaches computers to do what humans naturally do.

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A Guide to Gradient Descent in Machine Learning

In machine learning, optimizing the learning models is a critical step. This is where Gradient Descent emerges as a central optimizing algorithm. What is Gradient Descent? Machine learning hinges on creating models that predict outcomes from various inputs. However, these models don’t start perfectly; they initially operate on random parameters, which are not ideal for making accurate predictions. Creating a

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The Waterfall Methodology for Software Development Project Management

Before Agile, the traditional Waterfall Methodology was once known as the gold standard for software development. The method was initially defined in 1970 by Winston W. Royce. Requirement-Gathering Phase The Waterfall method starts with the Requirements-gathering phase, where a lot of communication occurs upfront to ensure defining the requirements. For example, the Project Manager will get a detailed understanding of

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