Post by Author : Steven-Csorgo

The Complete Guide to Japanese Work Events and Parties

Many people portray Japan as “all work, no play”. However, the sheer number of work-related parties and other alcohol-fueled get-togethers occupying the calendar paints a vastly different story! Japan has many work and non-work-related events, each with a unique name and specific character. To understand your nijikai from your bonenkai, we present the complete list of work events and parties

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Finding English Teaching Jobs in Japan

A quick search online for “English teaching jobs in Japan for foreigners” will unleash a tidal wave of confusing words and nonsensical terms. ALT? … JET? …. Eikaiwa? So, what does it all mean? And what should I be searching for to get an English teaching job in Japan? As Japan aims to internationalize, the need to introduce a more

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